Dear readers,
See below. I understand you will be compensated for your time. Kindly contact the researcher directly; I am only passing the information.
Nairobi Nights: Examining gender differences in audience reception, media
use, and attitudes towards gender.
Hi. I am an Assistant Professor of Communications at Stonehill College in
Massachusetts. I am conducting in-depth interviews with fans of Nairobi
Nights, their attitudes towards the radio show/blog and attitudes towards
relationships and evaluations of the show. If you’re currently living in
Kenya, if you follow the Nairobi Nights blog and are 18+ years old, I would greatly
appreciate it if you would consider participating in the 30-minute
interview. This interview is anonymous, voluntary, and low-risk.
This interview will be recorded for transcription purposes. At the beginning
of the interview, you will be asked to choose a pseudonym. You will be
referred to by your pseudonym only in all subsequent portions of this study
and in any publications from this study. By initialling this form, and
returning it to the researcher ([email protected]), you are indicating
your consent to be audio recorded and to take part. Asante for your time!
My initials: _____________________
Chosen Pseudonym: ______________
Date: __________________________
Please note:
This project has been approved by Stonehill’s Institutional Review Board
(IRB) through the period of April 4, 2012 to April 4, 2013. If you have any
questions or would like to request the survey’s findings in aggregate form,
Please send an email to Wanjiru Mbure at [email protected]. Thank you!
Nairobi Nights: The following questions will be asked of the participants.
1. What do you like about Nairobi Nights?
2. What don’t you like about Nairobi Nights?
3. What do you think of Sue, the Nairobi Nights blogger?
4. What do you think of prostitutes?
5. What do you think of individuals who seek out prostitutes?
6. What do you think of romantic relationships in:
a. In Nairobi?
b. In modern Kenya?
7. What do you think of:
a. Blogging?
b. Kenyan blogs?
c. Kenyan male blogs?
d. Kenyan female bloggers?
8. Do you think Nairobi Nights blog has a positive or a negative effect?
a. For Kenyans in general?
b. For individuals your age?
c. For women?
d. For men?
9. What aspects of the blog would you discuss with:
a. Your best friend?
b. Your peers?
c. Your parents?
d. A friend from outside of Kenya?
10. Do you think it is worthwhile to critically examine Nairobi Nights?
11. Do you think critically evaluating media in general is worthwhile?