There have been discussions about the politically correct way to refer to prostitutes. And the suggestions have ranged from the hilarious dealers in horizontal refreshments to the obvious commercial sex workers. The truth is however we don’t give quite a…
Episode 5: Let The Pee Flow
On the social scale prostitutes are ranked lowly; somewhere near the proverbial alley cat which can’t tell who fathered its kittens. But if prostitutes are the alley cats then the city council askari are the alley mice. We feel the…
Episode 4: Survival of The Species
Prostitutes are said to be carefree. The reasoning is that if they can have sex with all these men in these days of HIV then they care less. But the truth is we do care. What would be the point…
Episode 3: Anything At The Right Price
There is a general notion that at the right price, a prostitute will do anything. Thus there are many men who pick prostitutes hoping to fulfill all their sexual fantasies. That may be right or wrong. An easy justification for…
Episode 2: Why Should I Not Open My Legs?
Every girl at some point has dreams of a happy marriage and kids. We are not exceptional; we had those dreams and somehow still nurture them. But then one of the side effects of prostitution is that it makes it…
Episode 1: I can’t Feel Your Thing
Men in there in their twenties and thirties are a weird lot. They are most likely to swindle a prostitute for no good reason other than thinking it’s macho to do so. They also have lots of ego problems. They…