Who is it that sang New York is killing me? .. Bunch of doctors coming round; they don’t know that New York is killing me… Yeah, you got 8 million people, and I didn’t have a single friend. Don’t you know, don’t you know, New York was killing me. Yes, I was standing, nearly dying here; New York was killing me. It seems like I need to start over.
Were I in his place, I would sing Nairobi is persecuting me. For that is what the city has been doing to me of late. Just when I thought I had figured the city out, it pulls an ace from up its sleeve. I make a move thinking it’s the right one, only to be surprised that it’s wrong and borders on evil. And then I have to suffer the consequences. I have to pause my life. I have to break promises. I have to look arrogant. I have to fail myself and others because Nairobi is persecuting me.But then I renegotiate with the city. I refuse to go under without notice. For at this point I am afraid to say “without a fight” lest I am forced to swallow my words when the city decides to persecute me again.For despite the nature of my work, my perceived haughtiness, risks, informality, and busyness, I could not be as big-headed as to promise to make a post on Monday, and three weeks later I have intentionally not done so or said a word. And that after writing Dear Readers . That would be a total lack of something, maybe social ethics, which I still have some of and don’t plan to let go of. And it’s not for lack of a computer, which I now own. Or time, which I can’t say I am deficient of. Or ideas, for what I write is mostly based on my experiences and those are many. I could not walk out on money like I have done in those three weeks. Now I have to try not to lose some for breach of contract. I could also not stop corresponding even with those others I talk to who are not connected to this blog.
Enough of this. I am back, not in style but in high spirits. Time is so much gone. I have to put on hold my usual kind of stories and, in the spirit of the season, do end-of-year’s. I had planned to post the behind-the-scenes of this blog around this time, and I believe I will still be able to do that. I also hope to do a quick review of some of my most interesting moments on the streets this year. All which I will post here.
Meanwhile, if you noted from my last post, Nairobi Books asked me to do an eBook about a few things I know about sex. My first thought was to write my own interpretation of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, which I consider to be a text also about sex strategy. And so I wrote a couple of my interpretations, which I had been thinking about. For instance, take Sun Tzu’s quote, “Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.” I interpreted this to mean, In sex there are no partners; there are opponents. Man and woman are each trying to achieve their own goals. These could be physical, material, or social approval. Your sex partner is not on your side; he or she is on his own. Treat the partner with the same cunningness you would treat an opponent, and only then can you have him by the balls or her by the hair and successfully achieve your goals.
I wrote several such others, but the editor said that was not enough, so I brought in some of my other views on sex. I used my own anecdotes and those of others. The eBook is more or less like the dirty version of this blog. But still, I can’t talk size without thinking of it in a bigger way. I will post the introduction of the book tomorrow as soon as I confirm about rights, availability, price, and other such stuff. I know the book has been available on two or so websites for some time now, but I will have to confirm.This time my tomorrow and promises are real.