Episode 34: Relics Of A Prostitute

Nairobi Escort

Anyone visiting my house would find no explicit clue to hint at the kind of work I do. A pack of condoms, a bottle of spirit, and half-life cigarettes are items to be found on the coffee table of many present-day women of my age. Personally though when I look around I see items not obvious to others but which remind me of my past and present life. Like most people I have over the years unconsciously kept mementos of low intrinsic but high sentimental value. Only recently did I consciously look at the items and saw in them signposts of the journey I have taken in slightly over two and half years.

If I were to assume a curator’s role and exhibit the items I would call the show Relics Of A Prostitute. In the explanatory note, I would say the exhibition partially depicts the good and the bad of prostitutes and Johns alike. Here are some of my souvenirs:

Blue Pant With Laces (Faded) – I wore these pants many times when practicing at the Sabina Joy. However, I can’t recall if it is the same pants I wore on the day I broke my second virginity to become an outright prostitute. It has a gray smell which makes me light in the head and reminds me of the dirty, tattered mattresses of the short-time rooms at the Sabina Joy. Though I have disposed of many pants over the years, somehow I can’t let this go.

Talking of pants I have two sets. One is composed of brightly colored pieces which I wear to work, and the other of cool colors which I wear when off duty.  I keep the blue pants among the work-related set. If pants talk I feel my pioneer blue pant has a lot to teach my present collection which is used to cozy beds.

A White Note – I spent two days with a man holed in a hotel. When I woke up on the third day I found a note on the bed written: “You are nice”. He owed me some little cash.

1000 Shillings Note (Fake) – This was a case of a deal that was too bad to be a lie. A man had picked me up from the Street and drove aimlessly around town insisting on paying me 500 shillings which I considered to be too low. I got irritated and asked him to let me go. That is when he abruptly said he would double the money for a very quick session in a downtown hotel. When we were finished I literally snatched the money from his hand and walked away. I only realized the note was fake when my local shopkeeper pointed it out.

Like they do in bars I have written Fake and stuck it on a wall in my house next to the window. Nowadays I smile when I remember the man, but as ironic as it may seem, it took me a week after being conned that way to overcome the nasty feeling of being ‘used’.

Court Fine Receipt – A pair of police arrested me on a Friday night as I was coming from a session in a hotel opposite Jeevanjee Gardens. They seemed under pressure to have the numbers and would not take a bribe. I spent two days in the cells and Monday morning I was charged with being drunk and disorderly which was a better accusation as compared to prostitution. The fine was 300 shillings. A colleague bailed me out, and the yellow receipt ended between the pages of my King James Bible. The bible was a gift from a British client. “You need this more than I do,” he said, using the classical movie star line. Yeah, I being more of a sinner.

Sedative (Fake) – I was sold the powder substance by Cheupe after a smart sales pitch during my first week on the Street. She talked of being ready to seize opportunities. But it turned out to be some silly powder that turned the color of wine blue rather than knock a man off. It was more dangerous than an actual sedative because it was an instant giveaway. Luckily I had an understanding go-happy diplomat as my would-be victim, and not a big-headed today-you-will-learn-a-lesson frustrated mid-thirties man.

Wallet and Passport Photo Of A Woman and A Girl
 – See Episode 33: Mea Culpa. This is still haunting me.

Millie Jackson Tape – I pinched this from a flamboyant client and love it so. He played it on the stereo of his car as we drove to a hotel.  He carried it to the room, and seeing an opportunity I could not resist taking it. The tape has such relevant hits as All The Way Lover & Cheating. I miss the man.

A Green Plastic Key – A client gave the key to me. He claimed to have bought it from his pastor for 1000 shillings. The key is supposed to open the doors of life. “I have opened my doors,” he said. “You should open yours too”. It’s my good luck charm, and I carry it with me always. Forget the doors of life.

Hotel Receipt – I asked a client to let me keep the receipt of the most expensive hotel I have been to. I use it to fantasize about the day I will go there alone.

The list is endless and I continue finding myself with odd items I gather during my work.


Meanwhile what has been keeping me busy among other things is an e-book I am working on. It will have photos of some of the above items, illustrations of some of the present (and future episodes), photos of some places I have been to, new writing, more personal insights,
and lots of other stuff. This also might be the point where I might (or might not) reveal myself. My wish is to have the book out in less than ten days, but then it depends on my fortunes since I have discovered good graphic designers are very expensive. Perhaps I should sell the book in advance at a low price to facilitate the process, or give my all on the Street, fund it from my pocket then dish it out free of charge as the last chapter of my peculiar brand-building exercise.

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