I hate to think I am addicted to the Street. It’s more comforting to believe I can quit anytime. I took a break because I was bored, but after six days, I returned to my normal self. However, I decided to extend my leave by some extra days just to gauge how easy it would be if I ever decided to quit. And whether actually, it would be possible. I did it, but I have to admit I was helped by my very remote location, bottles of strong drinks, puffs of inspirational smoke, and an urge to prove a point. Well, again I have to be humble enough to admit that without the above concoction, my effort would have come to naught. Prostitution, as I practice it, is not exactly addictive, but a way of life that does something, good or bad, to the brain making it a challenge not to love it, sometimes to death.
Anyway, all said and done I enjoyed the break. In those days I was off I didn’t have sex. I tried to dig deep inside myself to find fulfillment in a sex-free life. I didn’t get fulfilled but rather had this weird, happy feeling. I read lots of magazines, poetry, and books. My favorite was a collection of short stories titled Drinking CoffeeElsewhere by Z Z Packer. And yes, I did some writing, but it’s on pen and paper. I will get some time soon, pop into a cyber cafe, and type it out.
Well, I also thought about this blog, and my initial aim of ” building a brand”. I could not agree on my own whether I am on the right track or not. Nevertheless, I will continue writing, and come next week I will make a few changes touching on the regularity of posts, diversity of content, and a few other things.
Thank you for reading. And much more thanks for the plain, touching, biting, stingy, good, doubtful, spammy, obvious, bad, egoistic, and preachy comments. If you dropped me an email or message and I haven’t replied to it, just give me a day or two and I will get back to you. So this early in the morning I have already dealt with a few tots of an affordable but marvelous strong drink. I now see a funky weekend ahead.